MEDCO Joins Forces with NASA and Commerce in MOU to Advance Aerospace Industry in Maryland

Dr. Makenzie Lystrup, Center Director for the Goddard Space Flight Center, Secretary Kevin Anderson from the Maryland Department of Commerce, and Tom Sadowski, Executive Director of MEDCO, sign the memorandum of understanding (MOU).
Client: NASA Goddard Space Flight Center and the Maryland Department of Commerce
Location: Prince George’s County
Services Used: Financing, Advisory Services
3 Year Memorandum of Understanding
36,771 Jobs Supported in Maryland by NASA
15 out of 20 Top Aerospace and Defense Companies Have a Presence in Maryland*
*Maryland Department of Commerce
Since 1959, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Goddard Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland, has been a nexus for pioneering aerospace technology. Home to the United States’ most extensive group of scientists, engineers and technologists, the Goddard Flight Center creates scientific instruments, conducts research and manages communications critical to NASA’s mission of space exploration and scientific discovery.
In 2016, the Maryland Department of Commerce (Commerce) entered into a memorandum of understanding (MOU) to support the efforts of the Goddard Flight Center, its campus, and the Wallops Flight Facility. The initial agreement aimed to advance NASA’s mission and bolster the state’s aerospace industry through various initiatives, including promoting new space-related businesses, strengthening STEM education, ensuring a robust workforce pipeline and enhancing cooperation between NASA and supporting contractors.
After the agreement’s initial success, Commerce and NASA initiated the renewal process in 2023. This time, NASA expressed a strong desire to expand its partner base by engaging more external collaborators and revitalizing underutilized properties on its campus to bolster these potential relationships to grow the capabilities of the aerospace industry in Maryland.
Amy Duray, Program Manager, Federal Business Relations, Office of Military and Federal Affairs for the Maryland Department of Commerce, explains, “As the state became aware of NASA’s reutilization efforts, we brought MEDCO into the conversation right away. MEDCO has the expertise and authority to help Commerce expand its capabilities and drive more impact to bolster aerospace initiatives in the state.”
“MEDCO and the Maryland Department of Commerce have a great relationship,” shares Sarah Horta, MEDCO’s Director of Innovation and Strategic Partnerships. “They understand how our extensive experience in consulting and infrastructure development can be a real asset to NASA Goddard and help expand the capacity of both entities.”

Dr. Makenzie Lystrup, Secretary Kevin Anderson and Tom Sadowski at the MOU signing.
The new, expanded MOU harnesses MEDCO’s relationship-building and consulting expertise to engage outside partners, forge connections, and foster collaborative efforts to amplify NASA’s mission.
“Our cutting-edge research, and the critical benefits it provides to society, is only possible with the support of strong partnerships outside NASA,” said Goddard Center Director Dr. Makenzie Lystrup, who signed the memo on NASA’s behalf. “I’m grateful to clasp hands with our home state and work together to build up the coalition that will help us all make those next giant leaps.”
Horta adds, “NASA Goddard knows that outside partners are eager to collaborate, on- and off-campus. MEDCO’s job is to be a mouthpiece throughout Maryland, leveraging our great partnerships to share what NASA Goddard and the Wallops Flight Facility are working on and to inspire partners on how they can play a role in those opportunities.”
MEDCO will utilize its vast network of partners—prioritizing local and minority business enterprises (MBEs)—in the academic, industry, and non-profit spaces to help disseminate NASA Goddard’s mission and organize two industry day events: one at the NASA Goddard Flight Center and another at the Wallops Flight Facility to bring together Maryland’s aerospace industry players, local university systems, and top leaders from NASA Goddard, Commerce and other regional aerospace businesses.
“The goal is to ignite discussions about Maryland’s exciting aerospace opportunities,” stated Horta. “By facilitating connections among thought leaders, fostering mutual understanding of capabilities, and enabling meaningful conversations about goals and aspirations, NASA can deepen its exploration of public-private partnerships.”
MEDCO’s second goal under the MOU is to survey potential partners on what spaces would help spur these collaborations and explore reutilization efforts. After analysis, MEDCO will create a comprehensive site plan for revitalizing the underutilized areas at the Goddard campus. The spaces can be utilized for anything that will be most helpful for partners in their collaboration with NASA.
Mayank Kapur, Director of Business Development for IT and Cyber Security at Prince George’s County Economic Development Corporation, notes, “Economic development is a team sport. Any time these agreements are made that bring together all the stakeholders to strengthen our aerospace ecosystem is great for Prince George’s County.”
Horta finishes, “By creating spaces for future collaboration, and helping partners find the funding, resources, and support to create them, MEDCO is helping to drive this massive industry forward in Maryland, filling in gaps where they are needed to help drive collaboration forward.”
For more information on services and other case studies, visit MEDCO’s Projects page.